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Friday, October 15, 2010

Ronald Reagan - We Must Fight Speech

This video got me thinking today. Sometimes…we must fight.
I’m not talking about war in this blog, I’m talking about in business, in life. Sometimes, we must fight. Quite frequently it’s easier not to fight. It’s easier to accept. It’s easier to walk away, to settle, and to let something go. However, today Ronald Reagan reminded me that sometimes those are not the right answers; those are not the right decisions.
When something matters to us, when something is important to us, there is a time we need to take a stand and fight for those things. Fight for the things we care about most and are most important to us. We can’t let our own dreams die, without fighting for them to be pursued. When we have something that we have built, whether that is a business or a family, we have to fight with all we have to keep it prosperous and safe.
We have to fight for the things we believe in most, the little things which are actually big things. Clients, family, friendships, dreams, sometimes...we must fight to preserve all of these things.
We have to fight for ourselves. It seems everywhere we look there are people who are defeated. They have allowed themselves to be defeated by others or by themselves. They have lost their strength, their personality, their fight. They have lost some of the greatest things about themselves because they stopped fighting back themselves and others. The most important fight is forgotten: The fight to keep our own head above water.
The challenge lies in two things: Deciding what’s worth fighting for, and then fighting with all you have for those things.
“If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat. Eventually we have to face the final demand, the ultimatum, and what then...Someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have been weakened from within, spiritually, morally and economically.”
We must fight.

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