We’re right in the middle of the end of many holidays and New Year’s Eve. With the New Year coming up it’s a great time to reflect on the past year and to make plans for the year ahead. I know the older I get the more quickly every year seems to pass. I always find myself saying, “I can’t believe another year has gone by.” Some years nothing seems to change and some years everything seems to change. This year has been a year full of changes for me. It has definitely been eventful. Many things that I thought would remain constant in my life have vanished. Some new, great things have also unexpectedly come into my life. If there’s one thing I’ve seen over the last (just about 23) years, it’s the ebbs and flows of life. When things are going terrible, just wait a little while and they’re bound to turn around. When things are going great, just wait awhile and they’re bound to get worse. ;) To me it seems life is always in constant flux. I kind of like that about it, it keeps things interesting.
Well the New Year is a great time to reflect on the past it is also an important time to decide what goals you have for the year ahead and how you plan to achieve them. Over the last few weeks at Topaz we have been discussing our sales and marketing plans for 2011 and company goals. It has been helpful to put together a list of action items for 2011 and to have something to strive for. 2011 is going to be another interesting year in the travel industry, an industry that is changing constantly. Personally, I am excited to work with our clients this upcoming year to help them evaluate their travel agencies performance in an ever changing environment. I am also excited to help them reevaluate their travel programs to help them save on their travel spend. Recently, many new technologies are being used by the travel industry. Social media has taken off, like it has in almost all industries. I think this year the use of mobile devices will follow the trend of social media and become used more and more frequently for the searching and booking of corporate travel. I'm interested to see where this trend leads.
This past August at NBTA we gave out corkscrews with our logo to some of our clients. We gave them a card letting them know we appreciate their loyalty and that we wanted to toast to our relationship and to their success. I hope anyone who has a Topaz corkscrew takes a minute to use it this holiday season to toast to something special in their lives. Personal or business related, we wish you the very best.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful, healthy and happy holiday season. If you haven’t had a chance please check out our Topaz holiday greeting by visiting the link below.
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