NBTA 2010-Houston, TX
I had my first experience attending the National Business Travel Association exhibition last week. What a great time! I arrived in Houston on August 7th, VIA Southwest airlines. I have to say, I was quite impressed with the service on my flight and we even arrived 35 minutes early! What other airline can you fly where they call someone up to the front because it’s their birthday, put a crown on their head made out of tea bags and straws and then ask everyone to shut their window shades, push their call buttons (as candles), sing happy birthday and then “blow out the candles” by shutting off their call buttons? Not many! Good job Southwest!
Houston itself is a very hot, humid city, with not too many exciting things to do. This makes it the perfect place for NBTA! People actually walk around to the booths instead of spending time outside or touring the city On Sunday, I had the privilege of attending the “first timers” luncheon. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it turned out to be a great way to get some brief information about the history of NBTA. We also got to watch a presentation by Dan Thurmon. www.danthurmon.com I was extremely blown away by his performance. Combine motivational speaking and acrobatics and you have Dan. Who else can juggle to the pace of his story or juggle axes on a 6 ft unicycle? No one else I know!
The three days of exhibition were a great way for us to meet face to face with clients we had been corresponding with through e-mail. I always value meeting people in person. There is just something still so important about this. Maybe it’s even more valued now that it happens so less often in our technically advanced world. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth to meet with us!! I’m looking forward to doing business with you in the near future!
I really appreciated listening to Richard Branson speak. He seems like a really genuine guy and has done so many different things in his life. He was a great pick to be one of the speakers.
Lastly…the parties. The travel industry is one FUN industry, let me tell you. From Astros games, to House of Blues, to hospitality suites. There is always a good time to be had. A special thanks to all of our new and old friends who we shared many laughs with!
Looking forward to next year….Denver 2011!
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