My last blog got me thinking….it’s the simple things. This reminded of all the times I travel and see things that seem so simple and so useful, yet for whatever reason are only in some areas of the world and not others. Both places in the world I think of normally have the technology to both have these simple inventions, yet some places simply choose not too. I recently spent half a year in Europe and there were a few things that particularly stood out to me. Two I have pictures of, one I do not (You’ll have to use your imagination.) Now, my disclaimer is that I don’t know where else these things exist, all I know is the things I saw existed there and not where I spend most of my time now. (New England)
#1: How many times have you been standing at a T stop in Boston and you have no idea how long till the train gets there? You’re not sure how long ago it was there, how long until it’s coming back, if it broke down, etc. So you’re standing there freezing in winter or sweating in summer praying it’s 2 minutes away. What a simple invention in Rome, Italy so that you no longer have to wonder. So simple. So helpful.
#2: How many times have you been on an unfamilar subway system and are unsure of the stops in between the stop you need? Or even times you are familiar with the subway but it’s crowded and your leaning around people trying to look out the window and see where you are? Why do the maps on the subway in Boston,MA say the names of stops, but don’t light up and tell you which one you’re at? The subway system in Barcelona, Spain….Simple and brillant.
#3: We talk a big game about conserving energy here in the US. I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t been the most environmentally conscious person my whole life, but over the years I’ve realized how much more we could do as a society. One of the best and most simple inventions I saw while in Europe was in the hotel rooms. How many times do you leave the lights on when you leave your hotel room? It’s not your electric bill, you’re paying for the room…what do you care? While in Europe some of the hotels I stayed in would force you to put your room key in a light switch instead of flicking on a switch. Your room key would stay in the switch until you left and you had to obviously grab your key if you wanted to be able to get back into the room. Once the key came out of the switch, automatically all the lights turned off. I guess in Europe they finally realized the only way to conserve some energy was to not give people a choice to turn the lights off if they wanted to be able to get back in the room. GREAT, great, great, SIMPLE, simple, simple idea!!
I’ve yet to see this in the US, although I’m sure it’s out there somewhere.
These were really just silverware attached to lights, no big purpose, just creative. …….but by far this restaurant had the best food I had on my whole trip. Oh and their menus…we’re on wine bottles. I loved this place. It’s the simple things.
This quote hung on one of the walls of the places I stayed. I always liked it
Enjoy the simple things in life, and appreciate them; whether it’s an invention, a warm smile or a pleasant hello. They make all the difference.